MEMBERS - You must be logged in to see all Member Options!

                                           Click on the RED Member Login icon on the upper right to see the full Member menu!
                                                                Once you are logged in, hover over Members to see full menu to include:

                        • Regions and Board Contact Information 
                        • Constitution and Bylaws
                        • Forensic Certification application
                        • Board Meeting Minutes
                        • Member Listing
                        • Obituaries 
                        • Journal Archives
                        • AAPP History
                        • Annual Award Winners
                        • Scholarship Recipients

Please take a minute to explore the new AAPP website. For existing members:  You must use the email address attached to your account to login as it is your Username. If you forgot the email you registered under, click on the Members section or the quick link to My Profile.  You can retrieve your username and also reset your own password. All member information was migrated over from the previous website; however, please take some time to review your membership account and ensure all your information is correct.  

On our new website and per AAPP By-Laws, memberships will EXPIRE January 31st  annually if dues renewal payment is not received.  If your membership expires, you must contact the AAPP Secretary ([email protected]) to retrieve access to your account.  You will be required to submit a Re-application form for re-vetting (includes one month of dues and a non-refundable $25 fee).
On our website you can:
If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact:
Mary Kucharski - National Office Manager at [email protected]
Jennifer Reubart - AAPP Secretary at [email protected]
AAPP National Office
27 N Wacker, Suite 421
Chicago, IL 60606